From -$10k to $2m in 4 years with Rental Properties

My real estate journey over the last 4 years has been quite the ride. The wealth I have accumulated through rental property has not only changed my family’s life in the present, but also for generations to come. Now the time has come for me to share my knowledge and experiences with others through coaching so that you can experience the same success that my family and I have.

Join the Waitlist

1. How to Find Properties Step by step guidance! See how to find, analyze, make an offer, and lend out the property. Before you even make an offer, you'll know if the property will be profitable or not!
2. Pros and Cons of Different Types of Properties Which type of property is right for you? See the pros and cons of every type of property on the market and see which is in your sweet spot
3. In State And Out of State Don't let your physical location hold you back. Just because the market isn't great where you are, doesn't mean there aren't opportunities in other states waiting for you!
4. Live Coaching Calls I want you to be successful. I might cap the program because I want to give everyone who joins all the assistance they need in finding, closings, and renting out their properties.

Real Estate Investing Doesn’t Have to Be Hard

My goal is to help everyday folk buy rental properties, manage their money, and turn their life around so that you too can find financial freedom.

Enter your name and email below to be the first to hear updates about the program and know what it goes live! And since there’s only 1 of me to help all of you, there will most likely be a cap on the number of people that can join the program… So joining the waitlist is your best bet to get in when it launches.

See you soon!!


Join the waitlist now!

Be the first to hear updates and register when it launches! There will be limited spots when it launches so don't miss out!